A Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) App

Reimagining what it is to learn and manage diabetes care.

Client: Personal Project

Sugar Reading Widget

Displays the most recent sugar reading, range and trend. Color coded to enhance understanding and comes in three sizes. Information updates every 15 to 30 minutes.

Sugar Readings Widget
Small sugar reading

Hourly Averages Widget

Displays the last four hours averages. Comes in two different sizes. Information updates every hour.

Hourly Average widget
Hourly Averages Widget

Hours In Range Widget

Displays the hours in range throughout the day. Comes in two sizes. Information updates every hour.

Hours in range widget
Hours in Range widget

Widget Combo

Widgets include most recent sugar reading, hourly sugar reading averages and hours in range.

Widget Combination

Lock Screen Widget

Displays most recent sugar reading, trend and the ability to record an insulin, meal or activity event.

Lock Screen widget

StandBy and Night mode

Stand by mode
Night mode

Contact me for a full app demo.